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J. García González, J.F. Sol Sol Plaza, A. Dorado Alejos
A.M. Adroher Auroux,
"Reflejo de interacciones culturales en el ámbito sagrado en el Sudeste Peninsular en época tardo-ibérica.", " IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos ", None-None, 2018
M.Á. Espinosa Villegas
"Rimon Sefarad. La Granada judía", "Ciclo de Conferencias de la AGIP. ", None-None, 2018
M.Á. Espinosa Villegas
"Sephardim in Modern and Contemporary Art: Invariable Topics and Artists", "International Conference Jews of Portugal and the Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Diaspora.", None-None, 2018
J. García González, A. Dorado Alejos, J.F. Sol Sol Plaza
A.M. Adroher Auroux,
"Technological approach to the unguentaria of the necropolis of Puente de Noy (Almuñecar, Granada, Spain)", "Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium ", None-None, 2018
J. García González, J.F. Sol Sol Plaza, A. Dorado Alejos
A.M. Adroher Auroux,
"Technological approch to the ungüentaria of the necrópolis of Puente de Noy (Almuñécar, Granada, Spain)", "Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel from and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean", None-None, 2018
J. García González, J.F. Sol Sol Plaza, A. Dorado Alejos
A.M. Adroher Auroux,
"The scent of a ritual. A group of glass unguentaria of 4th Century B.C. of the city of Granada (Spain)", "Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium ", None-None, 2018
J. García González, A. Dorado Alejos
J.F. Sol Sol Plaza,
"The scent of a ritual. A group of glass unguentaria of the 4th century B.C. from the city of Granada (Spain)", "Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel from and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean", None-None, 2018
J.M. Rodríguez Domingo
"Torcuato Ruiz del Peral y la catedral de Guadix", "Segundas Jornadas de Estudio sobre la Catedral de Guadix y Arte Sacro", None-None, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024